Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Room Next Door - Karin Rudefelt and Doctor Blues

In September 1981 the band performed their first gig in front of a full auditorium – and the success was a fact. Doctor Blues had soon established themselves on the blues-scenes and headlined festivals across the whole of Sweden as well as northern Europe. A milestone of vital importance for the band's history came with the blues-singer Karin Rudefelt's appearance in 1996. With Karin's entrance the vocal part of their music got a new dimension. Consequently, from then on, the band calls themselves "Karin Rudefelt & Doctor Blues". Their first independent full-length album "No Pain No Gain" with own material only, was released in 2003. The album received warm receptions and fine reviews in the American blues-magazine Blues Revue amongst others. Due to the release of their second album "Breakin' the chain" in 2006 the band reached a definite lift. 2008 the band delivered their third album "Magic Brew", with a touché of damp hot Mississippi voodoo feeling, mixed in a boiling pot of widely huddled heavy and rocky blues. The album has rendered a huge response amongst the blues community all over the world. "Karin Rudefelt & Doctor Blues" have toured around northern Europe and Scandinavia, and performed in most places with a blues-profile, like the biggest blues-festivals and most important clubs. The band is regarded as innovators of blues as a genre and they like to experiment and push the boundaries of the blues into new dimensions, yet with both feet deeply rooted in the traditional mould. 2009 the band remodeled the setting with keyboard and a broader bass playing, which has given the band a heavier sound and output. In 2011 the fourth CD "Walk the walk" is released. On this album also backed up by two friends - well known slide guitar player Erja Lyytinen and Brian Kramer. In 2011, Doctor Blues sound is even more dynamic, however rougher than ever. The setting is now guitar, bass and drums "only". The band has always looked upon the blues as a mirror and reflector of it's time, and from that fact booth lyrics and musical influences are connected to today's society and its people. The blues heals and cleanse!
If you like what I’m doing, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! - ”LIKE”

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