Saturday, December 10, 2011

Updated Information: Hacksaws Downsouth Blues - Richard "Hacksaw" Harney

Richard 'Hacksaw' Harney was born in Money, MS, on July 16, 1902. He passed away on Christmas morning in 1973 of stomach cancer.

Thanks to Billy Hutchinson and Marcia Weaver for this contribution.

"The interest on Richard "Hacksaw" Harney is great. He's buried in a pauper cemetery at the Hinds County Farm (corrections) near Raymond MS. He was serving time at that location". This information has now been clarified and corrected. "Hacksaw was not serving time. I made a wrong assumption. I've been told he was the last who would do such wrong. I regret that this is in print but want to set the record straight". When he died he was buried there as no one came for the body as I understand. There are no markers at the cemetery, just numbers I think.

The operation of the cemetery is under the sheriff's department. Just lately we had an election and now have a new sheriff to be put in office soon. I could start discussions with the county commissioners that are now in office and the new ones who will be seated soon. They have ultimate authority.

As you likely know, MS has a blues trail. Would we want to get a blues trail marker for Hacksaw, if possible? It could be placed at the Hinds County location near the cemetery. The location is a rather peaceful location as I recall from a few years ago when I went to the "county farm" to get info and see where they logged Hacksaw into the records. They spelled his name wrong.

I will copy Scott Barretta as he writes the copy for many of the markers. Copy will go to Alex Thomas who runs the state blues markers project. They work through a non-profit group. The unveiling of the markers is always a great tribute to the person or place. It's so good to have MS state and the local governments interested in lifting up the blues history. The state always has to have matching funds for the markers."
A resolution was adopted on December 5, 2011 to create access to his site and allow markers to be placed on or near the grave site. I was pleased all five board members voted for the resolution.
Singer Dorothy Moore played some of Hacksaw's music. As a child Dorothy lived around the corner.

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1 comment:

  1. This is a story which was earlier contributed for publication. The contributer has submitted corrections and we are all about getting the story right. We have allowed the original story to remain but made clarifications and corrections/updates as have been transmitted to us in italics.
