Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Have You Ever Loved A Woman - Reckless Drivers

Found a real good blues band in Spain... The Reckless Drivers. Check them out!

Reckless Drivers rests on the roots of the blues to extract forward a project based on the weight that gives the black music to his later heredities as the rock of the 60s and 70s, funk soul etc.

Reckless Drivers se apoyan en la raices del blues para sacar adelante un proyecto basado en el peso que da la música negra a sus herencias posteriores como el rock de los años 60 y 70 , funk soul etc.
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  1. Hey I'm Pedro, the singer... Thanks a lot!! We apreciate your coments. All the best!!

  2. Hi Pedro. Thanks for checking in. Keep playing the blues!
